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Story 74 - 15.03.2025


"I became pregnant when my daughter was just six months old, and it was a deeply wanted baby. Seeing that positive pregnancy test filled me with joy.

During my routine 11-week appointment, my gynaecologist performed a nuchal translucency (NT) scan and noticed that the fluid-filled space at the back of the baby’s neck was thick. The gynae told us to go to a private hospital to do a blood test to be sure if the baby is okay or not.

After a few days, we received the news that our baby girl got a 97% chance of having trisomy 18, and that the baby was not growing as she was suppose to. I would either have a miscarriage, or she would be still born or die soon after birth.

We were so heartbroken.

I was against abortion, but how could I bring a baby into this world just to die?

We made arrangements to go to London for a surgical abortion, as I was already 14 weeks pregnant.

They really took care of me. They let my husband stay with me before the procedure as I was crying all the time I was there.

Afterwards, I felt guilt, as I was leaving her behind me. She was part of me for 14 weeks.

It was the best choice for her and for my other daughter."



Break the Taboo Malta is an initiative to address abortion stigma in Malta by sharing personal abortion stories and related experiences.

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